With 10 PTA schools in North Carolina, there are a number of options to choose from to become a physical therapy assistant in NC.

There are also schools within driving distance from NC towns that you may consider.

Jamestown, Asheville, and Charlotte are all home to colleges that offer PTA programs. Most programs offered are Associates degrees.

For the most part, salaries for PTAs in North Carolina are in line with the rest of the United States, but entry level PTAs in North Carolina tend to make a bit more. See the below graphic from the Department of Labor for more info.

If you are looking for a rewarding career where you can help all types of people in the healing process, physical therapy assisting might be the career for you! Below are listings of all the schools we could find that offer physical therapy assisting (or related) programs. Simply browse the listings and click on one of the buttons to get more information about the specific program to see if it's right for you.

Salary Comparison for PTAs in North Carolina

Below is a comparison from CareerOneStop.org, US Department of Labor, comparing salaries at high, median, and lower salary levels of physical therapy assistants in North Carolina to the rest of the country.

Source: CareerOneStop.org, US Department of Labor